Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Modi's Operation Prism targets Pakistan and also includes Nepal (Proof)

According to Indian Medias (Zee News and others), Modi has a master-plan named as "Operation Prism" started for taking back the so-called Indian Land "Kasmir" from Pakistan. India-Pakistan has always been in  war for that piece of land which is very productive and has been a controversial for being territorial land of 3 countries, China, Pakistan and India. " 'Modi's Operation Prism' will burn Pakistan " - stated on Zee News and the key points or weapon for this operation are

1.  PoK : People asking for free Azad Kashmir from Pakistan. Kashmir is land of paradise with natural beauty and ayurveda i.e. medicine.
2. Bolochistan : People asking to free Bolochistan from Pakistan. Bolochistan is mine of Petroleum.
3. Muhajir Movement : The Muhajirs were the Muslims who migrated to Pakistan after Partition. Movement was due to asking of separate nation for Muhajirs from pakistan.

Hence, these are all based on taking back or seizing the productive land from pakistan claiming it to be Indian. Zee News also stated that India said to UN " Pakistan is land of terrorist". What a Shame !

Now in case of Nepal, Its my personal view that Indian PM Modi's Operation Prism also targets our country NEPAL. Similar is happening with Nepal. India has already said to world that "There is insecurities in Nepal hence we had blocked the petroleum and others necessary things." and also india has always been claiming and faking the world that Buddha Was Born In India.

India is using following things as backbone for getting Nepal's Land :

1. Nepal Constitution 2072 :  India has always interefered in political matters in Nepal and Nepal has always bowed down to India due to poor leadership.
2. Earthquake 2072 : This Earthquake has destroyed lots of Nepal and So what india think is, most of Nepalese are homeless and weak.
3. Madhesi Movement : Madhesi people which also includes non-mentioned "Indian Refugees due to open Nepal-India border" hence most madhesi are Bihari hence in support of india are asking for separate nation from Nepal. Terai is productive land of Nepal and Birthplace of Lord Buddha is in Terai.

Please, Madhesi Brothers and Sisters learn in time about what's the hidden strategy of India ! You are asking for separate nation due to some Traitors (Desh-Drohi) and its a fact, India will conquer you all, once you get the separate land and its you who will suffer more than other places and its again you who can defeat India. Hence, to all Nepalese, let's Unite and defeat "Indian Operation Prism". So Let's think about it.



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