Saturday, June 4, 2016

Are You " KP Oling " me ?

"Are you KP Oling me ?" equals "Are you kidding me ?"

In short, people were not getting proper food, shelter and gas while KP Oli was advocating to provide gas from pipeline ! Funny, right ?

It all started back when present prime minister of Nepal "KP Oli" initiated not impossible bt difficult projects on his speech ! He has always been a politician with good sense of humour and he's always been using quotes and sayings on his speech. It was x-factor of his speech.

However, after being elected as prime minister, use of his visionary words and those quotes became reason to laugh for the people. For example he mentioned projects like " providing gas pipeline to all homes " , " generating electricity from air " and " bringing ship to Nepal ". All his speech and his visions were legit and are not impossible but problem was, his speech couldn't  cope with current situation of Nepal ( that was just recovering from massive earthquake ) and also couldn't match with state of mind in people then.

Similar speeches of KP Oli, which were unexpected and unrelated to current situation led him being treated as comedian. It made people to make jokes out of him. He painted funny colors specially at the walls of social media for long.

But, lately, he is gaining people support in social media as his speeches were revolutionary and were not impossible but were not on the right time. Hashtag #iamwithKPOli is trending in Facebook and Twitter.

Lets hope "Are you KP Oling me ?" fades away with the success story of respected PM and the nation. Best Wishes.

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